
望远镜·展览 | "刘冬旭 : 感知形状" 09.15.2018-10.28.2018

Telescope 望远镜艺术家工作室


Oblique Façades 

艺术家 | Artist
刘东旭 Liu Dongxu

策展人 | Curator
林杰明 James Elaine

开幕 | Opening
09/15, 2018
16:00 - 18:00

展期 | Duration
09/15, 2018 - 10/28, 2018
11:00 - 18:00
(周四至周日开馆 | Open on Thursday to Sunday)

地址 | Venue

Telescope artist studio

No.10,CaoChangDi, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

 展览介绍 | About Exhibition   

刘冬旭的作品初看简单而朴素,但制作中技术精细且敏锐度极高。他的雕塑探究了我们日常生活中熟悉却不起眼的物品,比如建筑、家用品、商业用品和娱乐产品。刘说道: “我作品中的具体形式借鉴了极简主义和超现实主义的语言。这些形式重新发现并重新审视日常生活中可能被忽略的微妙而隐秘的意义和内容。这些内容通过我的思考和我使用材料和结构的方式,成为了超越其自身形式的作品。由此,日常生活中微妙而神秘的内容转化为一种新的审美,为我们提供了另一种意义。”

On the surface, Liu Dongxu’s work is simple and spare, but executed with technical precision and great sensitivity. His sculpture explores the nondescript and familiar objects from our day to day environment, architecture, and products fabricated for our homes, businesses, and personal entertainment. Liu states, “The specific forms in my work draw on the languages of minimalism and surrealism.They re-discover and re-examine the delicate and hidden meanings and content that may be overlooked in everyday life. Through personal consciousness and the way I use materials and structures, these contents become works that transcend their own forms. As a result, the delicate and secretive contents from the everyday life are transformed into a popularized ‘aesthetic’, and offers us new meanings.” 

刘冬旭实现这种转换的一种方式是对借来的单一形状在数量上倍增。在主空间的大型独立雕塑《斜列立面》中,刘以无处不在的三维玩具魔方为他的起点。魔方是由建筑学教授和雕塑家鲁比克·艾尔内于1974年发明的。起初,这是他开发的教学工具,用以帮助学生解决具有独立运动部件的3D物体的结构问题。就像整形外科医生那样,刘剖开了 这个物品,改变了它的物理构成和颜色,并进行复制,这样我们得以看到内部而能够想象一个旧系统的新意义。 

One way Liu achieves this “transformation” is through the multiplication of a singular ‘borrowed’ shape. In the large free standing sculpture, Oblique Façade, in the main gallery space, Liu has used the ubiquitous 3-D combination puzzle, Rubik’s Cube, as his starting point. The “Cube” was invented by Ernö Rubik in 1974, he was also a sculptor and professor. He first developed it as a teaching tool to help his students in solving structural problems of 3D objects with independently moving parts. Like an aesthetic surgeon, Liu has taken this object and opened it up, altered its physical makeup and color, and replicated it, so that we can ‘see’ inside to be able to imagine new purposes for an old system. 

主空间里的黑色雕塑《遁走》表明材料和声音的积累状态; 罗列堆积的古典乐胶片给了刘冬旭时空重叠的印象。刘说道,在巴赫的平均律练习曲中,他的音乐让人印象深刻 的一点就是它的建筑性,其音乐构架清晰明了,格律严谨,有很强的逻辑性。人们可以捕捉到旋律,和声,节奏等要素的细节,而不会失去结构上的整体感受。正是这整体赋予细节以意义。 音乐基于清晰的结构,而我试图将其转为有形实体。” 

The black sculpture in the main gallery, Escape, suggests a state of accumulation of material and sound; a collection of classical music vinyl records, that gave Liu the impression of the overlapping of time and space. Liu states that as in “Bach’s composition,The Well-Tempered Clavier, his music is as impressive as the architectural structure of his music is clear, rigorous, and logical. People can capture the details of melody, harmony, rhythm and other elements without losing the overall feeling of the structure. It is the whole that gives meaning to details. Music is based on a clear structure, and i am trying to turn it into a tangible entity.” 


White Flower, the marble appendage jutting out of the wall, is a pairing of Chinese Western Zhou period bronze ware, a flower incense burner, and the ‘column,’ the defining structural element in the western classical period’s architectural system. White Flower is an analysis of the spiritual connection between similar shapes of different civilizations. 

在小空间里,作品《浮光跃金》覆盖了地板和后墙的一部分。乍看之下,人们可能会 想到留在地上的轮胎痕迹,或者是在金色的月光下闪闪发光的波浪。月光是一种恬静的 反光,广博,均匀,温柔。在月光下事物的形态肉眼总是无法分辨,刘说道。雕塑由精致的瓷器镀金而成,但形似闪亮的黄铜。弯曲的线条让刘想起了古代陶器上的花纹设计, 以及流行的金色的日本招财猫,这是一个陶瓷材料的好运人物,不断产生黄金浪潮 因为它迎接顾客进入了世界各地无数的商店和餐馆。但是,在月光下,总是难以辨别事 物的真实形状。” 

In the small gallery there is one work that covers the floor and a portion of the back wall, Glistening Waves. At first glance one might think of tire tracks left in the earth, or smooth waves glistening in a golden moonlight.“Moonlight is a quiet reflective light, broad, even, gentle. Under the moonlight, it is hard to distinguish the real shape of things,” states Liu.The sculpture is made of delicate porcelain with a metallic gold glaze, but resembles shiny cast bronze or molded brass. The zig-zag lines remind Liu of the designs painted on ancient pottery, as well as the popular gold Japanese kitty, Maneki-Neko, a ceramic ‘good luck’ figure that constantly produces ‘golden waves’ as it greets customers into countless shops and restaurants around the world. But, “under the moonlight, it is always hard to distinguish the real shape of things.” 

 关于艺术家 | About Artist   

刘冬旭,1983 生于陕西。曾工作于瑞士艺术家Not Vital工作室,现工作生活于北京。 

Liu Dongxu, born in Shaanxi in 1983.Worked in the studio of Swiss artist Not Vital. Currently works and lives in Beijing.


2018 感知形状,望远镜,北京

Solo Exhibition
2018 Oblique Façades,Telescope, Beijing 


2017 太多的爱,五五画廊,上海 

2013 MIDDLE,瑞士

Group Exhibitions
2017 Art is Much Splendid a Thing, Gallery 55, Shanghai

2013 MIDDLE, Switzerland

 展览现场 | Exhibition   

斜列立面 Oblique Façades

树脂、大理石粉、金属 Resin, marble powder, metal

版本3 Edition of 3

300x40x152cm, 2018

斜列立面 Oblique Façades

树脂、大理石粉、金属 Resin, marble powder, metal

版本3 Edition of 3

300x40x152cm, 2018

遁走 Escape

石膏、墨汁 Plaster, ink

版本3 Edition of 3

140x73x90cm, 2018


白色的花 White Flower 

大理石 Marble

版本2 Edition of 2

80x14x14cm, 2018


浮光跃金 Glistening Waves

陶瓷、木 Ceramic, wood

版本3 Edition of 3

230x173x50cm, 2018

望远镜 Telescope

一个位于北京草场地的非营利项目空间,由美国著名策展人 James Elaine 先生于2012年创建,旨在推广并支持新兴艺术家与中国艺术社群,提供展览、策展、论述与讲座等各种艺术的可能性在此发生。我们致力推动望远镜成为一座沟通国内外的文化桥梁,并提供中国新兴艺术家与国外交流与对话的良好平台。

A non-profit styled project space located in Cao Chang Di, Beijing. It is established by American curator James Elaine in 2012. Its aim is to serve the emerging artists and art communities of China by providing exhibition, curatorial, writing, and mentoring opportunities in its gallery space. Telescope will also be a cultural bridge providing exposure and opportunities for China’s emerging artists abroad.




Telescope is supported by a grant from Artrue International

Special thanks to New Century Art Foundation

Special thanks to United Design Lab











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